Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the January-February 2018 issue.
Please Join Us in Fort Worth:
Casting designers, purchasers and specifiers will be gathering in Fort Worth, Texas, from April 3-5 of this year, for the annual AFS Metalcasting Congress. They will be there—and I hope you will be there as well—because it makes them better in the work and profession.
Design Details:
Design Constraints Ditched in Crankcase Assembly
By The Law:
Patent Trolls Exist
2018 Forecast: U.S. Casting Sales to Reach $33 Billion:
The U.S. metalcasting industry is expected to see 4.7% growth from 2017-2018 and 1.8% growth in 2018-2019.
Census of World Casting Production: Global Casting Production Growth Stalls:
Worldwide casting production grew by less than half a percent for the second year in a row in 2016.
Survey of U.S. Casting Production: U.S. Metalcasting at a Glance:
MCDP breaks down the U.S. metalcasting industry by metal, process, state, value-added services and markets served.
Nobake: The Basics:
This article focuses on the nobake process and when it would be appropriate for use.
Applying Fracture Mechanics to the Design of Low-Alloy Steel Castings:
A crawler shoe case study illustrates how designers can use fracture mechanics to avoid over-designing and over-specifying a casting, which will reduce part cost.
Issue Date