Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the July/August 2020 issue.
What to Expect Going Forward
Why Worry About a Parting Line?
Driving Forces Behind a Tectonic Global Supply Chain Shift
EV Tech Advancing Faster Than Predicted
Process Competes With Direct to Metal Laser Sintering
Casting Call: Part Plays Lead Role Then Pays for Itself:
A five-piece fabricated prototype part was eating up 30 minutes per piece in welding labor, which wasn’t too smart for the genius concept one manufacturer envisioned. But the ‘ah-ha’ decision to make it a casting poured on almost instant ROI and nearly $100K in annual savings.
Strategies for Diecasting Prototyping:
While today’s most common diecasting process is the high-pressure diecasting technique, when die cast prototypes are needed,
other casting methods are often used.
other casting methods are often used.
Diecasting 101:
Is one of the most common casting methods a good choice for your part?
Study Examines Aluminum Rotors Poured in 3D Printed Molds:
Results indicate up to 26 cast rotors could be made economically via 3D printed mold.
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